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Джон Пайпер

Величие Бога в проповеди




1.  Andrew Bonar, ed., Memoirs and Remains of Robert Mur­ray McCheyne (repr. ed., Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978), 258.

2.  Mark Noll, "Jonathan Edwards, Moral Philosophy, and the Secularization of American Christian Thought", Reformed Journal (February 1983): 26.

3.  Charles Colson, "Introduction", in Jonathan Edwards, Re­ligious Affections (Portland: Multnomah, 1984), xxiii, xxxiv.

4.  lain Murray, The Forgotten Spurgeon (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1966), 36.


Цель проповеди слава Бога

1. Charles Н. Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students (Grand Rap­ids: Zondervan, 1972), 26.

2. James Stewart, Heralds of God (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1972), 73.

3. John H. Jowett, The Preacher: His Life and Work (New York: Harper, 1912), 96, 98.

4. Spurgeon, Lectures, 146.

5. Samuel Johnson, Lives of the English Poets (London: Ox­ford University Press), 2:365.

6. Christopher Catherwood, Five Evangelical Leaders (Whea-ton: Harold Shaw, 1985), 170.

7.  Cotton Mather, Student and Preacher, or Directions for a Candidate of the ministry (London: Hindmarsh, 1726), v.

8.  См.: Пайпер Дж. Жаждущие Бога. Размышления христианского гедониста: Пер. с англ. СПб.: Мирт, 2004.

9.   См. там же.


Основание проповеди — крест Христа

1. Защита и объяснение этого утверждения раскпыта в книге автора: John Piper, The Justification of God (Grand Rap­ids: Baker Book House, 1983).


Дар проповеди — сила Духа Святого

1.  Phillips Brooks, Lectures on Preaching (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1969), 106.

2.  Quoted in John R. W. Stott, Between Two Worlds (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982), 32.

3.  Sereno Dwight, Memoirs, in S. Dwight, ed., The Works of Jonathan Edwards, (1834; repr. ed., Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1974), l:xxi.

4.  Quoted in Murray, Forgotten Spurgeon, 34.


Серьезная и радостная проповедь

1.  Jonathan Edwards, "The True Excellency of a Gospel Minister", Banner, 2:958.

2.  Jonathan Edwards, The Great Awakening, ed. C. Goen, The Works of Jonathan Edwards (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1972), 4:272.

3.  Dwight, Memoirs, in Banner, lxlxxxix.

4.  Ibid., lxxc.

5.  Stewart, Heralds of God, 102.

6. Andrew W. Blackwood, ed., The Protestant Pulpit (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1977), 311.

7. James W. Alexander, Thoughts on Preaching (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1975), 264.

8.  Brooks, Lectures, 82—83.

9.  Jonathan Edwards, Religious Affections, ed. John E. Smith,

in K»/e(1959), 2:339.

10.  Quoted in Stott, Between Two Worlds, 325.

11.  John H. Jowett, The Preacher: His Life and Work (New York: Harper, 1912), 89.

12.  Bennet Tyler and Andrew Bonar, The Life and Labors of Asahel Nettleton (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1975), 65, 67, 80.

13.  William Sprague, Lectures on Revivals of Religion (Lon­don: Banner of Truth, 1959), 119—120. Текст цитируется не пол­ностью, однако обладает не меньшей силой, чем приведен­ный выше.

14.  Quoted in Murray, Forgotten Spurgeon, 38.

15.  Spurgeon, Lectures, 212.

16.  Quoted in Stewart, Heralds of God, 207.

17.  Quoted in Charles Bridges, 77ie Christian Ministry (Ed­inburgh: Banner of Truth, 1967), 214.

18.  В. B. Warfield, "The Religious Life of Theological Stu­dents", in Mark Noll, ed., The Princeton Theology (Grand Rap­ids: Baker Book House, 1983), 263.

19.  Bridges, Christian Ministry, 214.

20.  Dwight, Memoirs, in Banner, 1: xx, xxii.


Бог в центре всего

Жизнь Эдвардса

1.  Dwight, Memoirs, in Banner, Lxxxix.

2.  Ibid., l:xxxviii.

3.  Dwight, Memoirs, in Banner, l:xx.

4.  Ibid., lrxxxvi.

5.  Ibid.

6.  Elisabeth Dodds, Marriage to a Difficult Man: The "Un­common Union " of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1971), 22.

7.  Jonathan Edwards: Selections, eds., С. H. Faust and T. Johnson (New York: Hill and Wang, 1935), 69.

8.  Edwards, Memoirs, in Banner, lxlxxivclxxv.

9.  Ibid., lxlxxvii. 10. Ibid., lxlxxix.


Смиритесь пред Его сладостной суверенной волей

Богословие Эдвардса

1.  Jonathan Edwards, "The Sole Consideration, that God is

God, Sufficient to Still All Objections to His Sovereignty", in

Banner, 2:107.

2.  Ibid., 2:107-108.

3.  Jonathan Edwards, A Treatise Concerning Religious Affec-

tions, in Banner, 1:279.

4.  Selections, 59, 67.

5.  Banner, 1:94-121.

6.  Edwards, Religious Affections, in Banner, 1:237.

7.  Ibid., 1:243.

8.  Jonathan Edwards, Miscellaneous Remarks Concerning Satisfaction for Sin, in Banner, 2:569.

9.  Jonathan Edwards, Miscellaneous Remarks Concerning Faith, in Banner, 2:588.

10. Ibid., 2:578—595. В указанном разделе книги Эдвардса эти и подобные этим наблюдения встречаются повсюду.

11. Jonathan Edwards, Miscellaneous Remarks Concerning Efficacious Grace, in Banner, 2:548.

12. Jonathan Edwards, Miscellaneous Remarks Concerning Perseverance of the Saints, in Banner, 2:596.


Превозносите Бога

Проповедь Эдвардса

1.  Edwards, Religious Affections, in Banner, 1:238.

2.  Ibid., 1:244. Курсив Эдвардса.

3.  Edwards, Selections, xx.

4.  Jonathan Edwards, Some noughts Concerning the Reviv-

al, in Yale 4:387; see also 4:399.

5.  Edwards, Religious Affections, in Banner, 1:314.

6.  Ibid., 1:243.

7.  Edwards, Concerning the Revival, in Yale, 4:388.

8.  Edwards, "True Excellency", in Banner, 2:958.

9.  Edwards, Religious Affections, in Banner, 1:258.

10.  Ibid., 1:289. Курсив Эдвардса.

11.  Edwards, Concerning the Revival, in Yale, 4:386.

12.  Edwards, "True Excellency", in Banner, 2:959.

13.  Jonathan Edwards, "Personal Narrative", Selections, 65.

14.  Dwight, Memoirs, in Banner, l:xxi.

15.  Ibid., lxlxxiv.

16.  Edwards, "True Excellency", in Banner, 2:957.

17.  Dwight, Memoirs, in Banner, lxlxxxviii.

18.  Jonathan Edwards, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", in Banner, 2:10.

19.  Quoted in John Gerstner, Jonathan Edwards on Heaven and Hell (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1980), 44. Эта книга прекрасно подводит нас к пониманию взвешенного взгляда Эдвардса на славу Небес и ужасы ада.

20.  Edwards, Religious Affections, in Banner, 1:259.

21.  Edwards, Perseverance, in Banner, 2:596.

22.  Edwards, Religious Affections, in Banner, 1:308.

23.  Jonathan Edwards, The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God, in Yale, 4:248.

24.  Edwards, Concerning the Revival, in Yale, 4:391.

25.  Jonathan Edwards, Freedom of the Will, in Banner, 1:87.

26.  Edwards, Efficacious Grace, in Banner, 2:557.

27.  Jonathan Edwards, "Pressing into the Kingdom", in Ban­ner, 1:659.

28.  Dwight, Memoirs, in Banner, Ixlxxxix.

29.  Ibid., l:xxx.

30.  Ibid.

31.  Ibid., Ixlxxxix.

32.  Edwards, Religious Affections, in Banner, 1:246.

33.  Edwards, "True Excellency", in Banner, 2:957.

34.  Edwards, Concerning the Revival, in Yale, 4:390—391.

35.  Jonathan Edwards, "The Most High, a Prayer-Hearing God", in Banner, 2:116.

36.  Edwards, Concerning the Revival, in Yale, 4:438.

37.  Edwards, "True Excellency", in Banner, 2:960.

38.  Edwards, "Personal Narrative", in Selections, 61.

39.  Edwards, An Humble Attempt, in Banner, 2:278-312.

40.  Edwards, Religious Affections, in Banner, 1:302.

41.  Ibid., 1:308.

42.  Jonathan Edwards, "Christ the Example of Ministers", in Banner, 2:961.

43.  Edwards, "Personal Narrative", 69.

44.  Ibid., 67.

45.  Quoted in Yale, 4:72.

46.  Dwight, Memoirs, in Banner, 1 xxc.

47.  Horatius Bonar, "Preface", in John Gillies, Historical Col­lections of Accounts of Revival (1845, repr. ed., Edinburgh: Ban­ner of Truth, 1981), vi.

48.  Edwards, Concerning the Revival, in Yale, 4:386.



1. Jonathan Edwards, "The Christian Pilgrim", in Banner, 2:244.


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