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Online quizzes on Calvinism

Other online quizzes on Calvinism

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How much do you know about John Calvin?

All questions have TWO right answers

1. What did Calvin say about his conversion to God?
  that is was sudden
  that before his conversion he daily studied the Bible for many years
  that God subdued his soul to docility
  that once he prayed a sinner's prayer written by Luther and then God came to his heart
  that it happened in his childhood
2. Why did Calvin come to Geneva?
  the pastor of the Genevan church persuaded him to stay in Geneva
  he just stayed there on the way to another city
  he wanted to receive a good education there
  God appeared to him in Paris and called him to go to Geneva
  he purposely came to Geneva in order to reform this city
3. Why was Calvin expelled from Geneva in 1538?
  he disagreed with a policy which implied stronger state control over the church
  he protested against Roman Catholic priests who took control over Geneva
  he refused to administer communion according to the doctrine of the Roman Catholic church
  he refused to administer communion according to the regulations of the Geneva council
  his behaviour was regarded as discreditable for a Christian
4. Who were Calvin's closest friends during his first stay in Geneva?
  Pierre Viret
  Martin Luther
  William Farel
  Martin Bucer
  John Knox
  Philipp Melanchthon
5. Whom did Calvin call his fathers in Christian faith?
  Martin Luther
  Huldrych Zwingli
  Philipp Melanchthon
  Thomas Aquinas
  Martin Bucer
6. What was the role of Calvin in the case of Michael Servetus?
  he asked to pardon Servetus and simply expel him to another city
  he requested the council to arrest Servetus
  he drew up the articles of accusation again Servetus for the court
  he commanded to kill Servetus
  he insisted on the execution by burning
7. Which statements are true regarding Calvin's children?
  Calvin's daughters became Lutherans
  one of his sons became a famous Reformed preacher
  his own son died in infancy
  he had one stepson and one stepdaughter
  one of his sons became a Catholic priest
8. What was Calvin's attitude to prosperity?
  he thought that usury is always sinful
  he had many wealthy friends and didn't think that wealth is a sin
  he claimed that prosperity in business is a sign of election
  he was indifferent to wealth
  he claimed that the prosperity of Geneva must be the chief aim of its citizens
9. What were the reasons of Calvin's death?
  fatal illness
  an injury received from one of his personal enemies
  persecutions of Roman Catholics
  elderly age
  his lack of attention to his own health
  physical exhaustion
10. What were Calvin's ideas about the Genevan Academy founded at his urging?
  that special attention there must be paid to studying languages
  that it should be a center for sending missionaries all over Europe
  that there should be no place for philosophy there
  that Roman Catholic theology should be taught by Roman Catholic professors there
  that all lectures must be delivered from a neutral point of view

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Евангельская Реформатская Семинария Украины

  • Лекции квалифицированных зарубежных преподавателей;
  • Требования, которые соответствуют западным семинарским стандартам;
  • Адаптированность лекционных и печатных материалов к нашей культуре;
  • Реалистичный учебный график;
  • Тесное сотрудничество между студентами и местными преподавателями.

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